Saturday, August 8, 2015

Little Free Library at The New School in Manassas

Today was the ribbon cutting ceremony for the first Write by the Rails Little Free Libraries, which will reside at The New School building (also the Old Town Historic Post Office) at 9108 Church Street, Manassas, Virginia. Little Free Libraries will be placed around the area to encourage reading for both children and adults. "Take a book, leave a book" is the motto of the project, which has spread across the country.

Among those attending were Councilman Ian Lovejoy, Alice Mergler, Lee Mergler, Jim Barnes from the Washington Post, Gary Miller, and authors Belinda Miller, Dan Verner, Nick and Stacia Kelly, June Forte, and Victor Rook (me). Here are some of the pictures of the event:

Authors from Write by the Rails and Councilman Ian Lovejoy gather outside The New School building.

Belinda Miller, Stacia Kelly, and Councilman Ian Lovejoy place books into the Little Free Library.

The New School founder Alice Mergler adds a book to the library.

The first to make use of the library. Cooper Mergler (right) gets copies of Belinda Miller's Phillip's Quest book.

Nick Kelly with another Little Free Library.

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  1. Thank you, Vic. As always, a wonderful post and pictures!

  2. Congratulations to all!
    What an incredibly generous and beautiful contribution to your community.
    Who wouldn't want to explore these creative little libraries and discover a special book to read. It is so important to make reading special to everyone and you all have done a great job!
    This should be a template for other communities to follow.
    Victor, you photos narrate this event so well. Thank you for sharing.
    Lorraine Gonda
    Lexington, KY
