Monday, July 27, 2015

Poem: Vendors at Tables

by Victor Rook

Crafters craft
And makers make
No one knows
The hours they take

Authors too
Must write their books
Then search to sell
In open nooks

So when it's time
To hawk their wares
They'll find out if
The public cares

They'll set their tables
And pop their tents
Then flaunt their goods
At all events

Things will fall
And things will blow
They'll batten down
the hatches so

Through wind and rain
And burning sun
They'll smile and pray
That people come

And when they do
It's a welcome sight
When wallets spread
To their delight

Some may smile
And pass with care
While others look
So unaware

Of how they judge
This gifted sect
The vendors who
Deserve respect

Some may glare
With judging eyes
Because you sit
Below their rise

But the ones that buy
The merry few
They fill those hearts
With gratitude

For what they get
More than that gift
This warm exchange
Gives both a lift

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