I'm available for a wide variety of design and business needs: web design, book design, marketing materials design, video production, and event photography. Contact me at to tell me about your project.

Self-Publishing & Book Design

I offer book cover design, interior formatting for print and Kindle, and publishing services. It's cheaper to purchase the full design package below than individual services:

$550 Publishing Package includes:
  • Book cover design from photos or supplied illustrations and graphics
  • Interior formatting of text (up to 300 pages)
  • Paperback and Kindle eBook versions
  • Setup on your own Amazon KDP account
  • File submissions on Amazon KDP
Note: Customer is required to purchase their own ISBNs at, or use the free ISBN assigned by KDP. Do not buy barcodes.

How it Works:
During the process I will begin by consulting with you over the phone. Once payment is made, I will commence work on your book and supply proofs of designs and formatting via email or online. If you are not using me for text proofing, please make sure you have reviewed your text several times for errors and corrections. Once I begin formatting the book, only a few minor changes will be made to text without incurring extra costs. After the cover and interior files are approved, I will submit the files on Amazon's KDP platform for review using your account login. If you do not have a KDP login, go to Amazon KDP and set one up. I will do the rest.

Send me an email and let's get started!

Book Cover Design (Only)


I can use photos, illustrations, and also create complete 3D environments from scratch if required. Pricing is based on complexity of design and design elements.

Book Formatting (Only)

Interior Text Formatting:
$195 for up to 30 photos and under 300 pages
$250 for 31-100 photos and under 300 pages

Kindle formatting:
$95 or up to 30 photos and under 300 pages
$150 for 31-100 photos and under 300 pages

Text Editing/Proofing

$140 for every 10,000 words

Includes spelling, grammar, and punctuation checks and corrections. Submit file in MS-Word (.doc or .docx) format. Once proofing is completed, a pdf file of suggested corrections in red will be supplied for review. Allow 2-3 weeks for proofing.

Website & Blog Design (Blogger, GoDaddy, etc.)

$395 for a four-page site with blog plus $50 for each additional page

A website is an excellent way to promote your products and engage your audience. I typically set up blogs and websites using Blogger (owned by Google) or GoDaddy. But if you use Wix, WordPress, or any other website builder with your host provider, I can also design and edit your site using those tools as well.

Marketing Materials

Here are just a few examples of the marketing materials I can create for you. Email me about your marketing project.

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